Saturday, February 28, 2009

Blood:Water Mission Forty Days Challenge

I'm sorry for not writing anything in this blog in awhile - finding a job will do that for ya.

Even though I believe God has given me a passion for ending trafficking and slavery, there are a lot of great missions organizations that are doing great things, and I thought I would highlight a challenge by one here.

Blood:Water Mission is challenging people starting March 1st (that would be tomorrow) to give up drinking everything but water for 40 days. Then at the end of the 40 days, take the money that you saved drinking only water and give it to Blood:Water Mission for water projects that they are doing around the world.

I'm thinking of doing it - I really only drink coffee and water anyway. I'm not sure about the coffee thing though, I am hopefully starting a new job which means I have to actually wake up in the morning and be alert during the day. Hmmm, I think I need to go pray about it!

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